Wednesday, June 8, 2011 article "Cyber Sex: How To Do It."

This is a three-year-old article about how to "do cybersex" written for men by men: Cyber Sex: How To Do It. It is accompanied by a reader poll with the following results:

First Impression
This article makes me...

♣ 44% Think
♣ 30% Laugh
♣ 11% A Better Man
♣ 7% Sad
♣ 4% Happy
♣ 4% Furious

I'm suddenly glad I have no such poll running for this thread. Furious and sad? I hope not. C'est la vie.

Also, there are 1063 (or 1089 depending on which counter you use) comments to the article. And it's a small and fairly flimsy article.

Some advice snippets from the article:

I think that second one is a bit idealistic.

David Strovney, the man who wrote the article, suggests that a man's opening line, when not in front of an avatar, be "What are you wearing?" which makes a kind of sense, but is dangerously de rigueur and smacks of pedestrian Wannafuckery.

Another tip David gives is to touch yourself. I think this is sound advice.

There is also this interesting bit of practical advice, which I could debate, depending on the man's goal (no, it is not always just a release... no really...and it is certainly not always to take turns or ensure mutual satisfaction):

The rest of it is pretty slim except for the usual warnings about not staying indoors too much and not giving up too much real-life information to a stranger you're jacking off with on the internet.

Advice from one of the readers commenting on the article:

Some other comments on that article that would likely not surprise you:
This sounds like an enlightened guy:

Although I'm not so sure about how helpful the suggestion to "be real and come about naturally" is for casual cybersex as opposed to cyber-relationships.

And, of course, of the 1089 comments to the article, I think a substantial amount of them are:

And then the inevitable spammers.

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