Sunday, July 31, 2011

Couples Stay Over Rather than Cohabitate

This is right in my wheelhouse.

Study: Young Couples Stay Over Rather than Cohabitate
More couples in long-term relationships are choosing to stay over a few nights per week at each other’s home instead of cohabitating, a university study has concluded.
University of Missouri PhD student Tyler Jamison conducted the study that found the growing trend among college-educated men and women in their 20s.
The appeal of these “stayover” relationships for young couples is keeping their independence and staying away from the big commitment that living together brings. Couples who live together and break up have to deal with apartment leases, shared household items, and other things that automatically bond people who live together. Men and women in their 20s are in transitional times in their lives and many do not want to be tied down to commitments in their personal lives.
Some participants in the study said they had no interest in every cohabitating in a romantic relationship outside of marriage, but do engage in stayover relationships. Some couples even stay over at their significant other’s house seven nights a week, but maintain their own residence. They cited that if they can go home or tell the other person to go home, they are not cohabitating.
The study was published in “The Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.”


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Time to Trawl

I was sent a message today asking if I was going to post to this blog again or if I'd given it up.

Yes, I will post again.  No, I have not given it up.  Looks like I may be pulling my head out of my books and the forums to go trawling for sex and inspiration.  Brace yourselves.